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PuyoDa and jotun are the gaming aliases of Cat and David, a married couple who love video games. We first met in college and became good friends over Mario Kart Double Dash. We dated shortly after and have been together since.

When we moved in together, our games collection became kind of a mess. We had duplicates of several games, and as we bought more games, it was getting harder to keep track of what we already owned. That's when Cat decided to just database everything, so we could get a better view of our collection.

We made the decision not to database any of our older consoles. We no longer buy games for them, and it's actually a hassle to find all of those games again, especially since most are at our parents' houses.

We pretty much play every genre except realistic sports games. Our preferred gaming platform is the PC, and we each have our own gaming PC that we've built. We try to buy every major console though. We tend to keep up with Nintendo since their games are usually exclusives, but we have plans to get the PS4 and Xbox One later.